Please be advised that if you proceed to use this website you are deemed to have agreed to abide by GerMedUSA’s privacy policy which covers the company’s dealings with you regarding this website. The use of this website is subject to the following privacy policy of use:The use of this website is subject to the following privacy policy of use:

Your data collected by us is safe on our secure server and is not shared with any one. Your personal information is not open to anyone outside your Academic program or UC Berkeley. In the processing of credit card payments, the credit card numbers are accepted through our own credit card processing at the time of the shipment of the order. In addition, we do the credit card check against the name you provided above, the billing address, and the CVV number to reduce fraudulent purchases. In cases where an operation looks quite suspicious, it will be our pleasure to call the buyer to confirm the transaction. We do not and will not use or release the details of your purchase to any third party for use in selling of related products or services. We also want you to know that any credit card that you might use in our business is submitted for processing and all such information is deleted immediately from our records.


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Cookies are bits of text that are stored on your hard drive by your web browser at the behest of the site that you are visiting. This enables the site that you are visiting to store certain information like your preferences, or even activity history or even for you to be ‘logged in’. Cookies can be temporary, that is to say, they are stored and active only when your browser is open, or can be stored for a long time, years for instance. We shall not be in a position to get cookies that are not offered in this web platform.

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This website offers cookies for a number of purposes, including:This website offers cookies for a number of purposes, including:

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